It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon, the best kind of relaxing day, and the sounds of whistles and cheers waft their way in from the football game in the other room. My husband just loves watching football, just about any kind of football. Pro football. College football. Replays of football. Pre-game shows. Post-game shows. You name it! He loves football.
Me? Not so much, but I am happy sitting at my computer knowing he is happy in the other room. Well, if his favorite team is playing really poorly and losing he might get a little upset. Maybe a lot upset…But he gets over it and he keeps watching football just about anytime it is on the TV.
So here I sit typing on the second or third coldest day of November, enjoying the warmth of my lovely home. Autumn was pretty mild most of the time this year and it is just now feeling like November, hinting that winter is around the corner, and it is.
Plus, it is almost Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for and I thank God every day for all the many blessings He has showered me with.
Deuteronomy 28:6 ~ “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.“ Thank you Lord that I am blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out!
So, my Internet friend, be blessed, and maybe enjoy some football too!