Fall will soon be here and summer will be gone. I always find this time of year full of mixed emotions. While I do enjoy the cooler temperatures and being able to enjoy welcoming the outdoor air into our home and turning off the A/C, I always also hate to say goodbye to summer. Flip flops, shorts, short-sleeve or sleeveless tops, and NO COATS! Those are the things I will miss as the cooler weather comes in, eventually leading to winter where coats, hats, scarves, boots and gloves are almost a necessity when going outdoors.
As seasons change, we find ourselves with seasons of change in our lives in other ways as well. Maybe you’ve been through a season of difficult changes, or maybe you’ve been experiencing immense prosperity and pleasures in your life. Life is full of ups and downs, mountaintops and valleys, and many times we can find ourselves in places of waiting. Waiting for the next…you fill in the blank…
I want to encourage anyone reading this that whether you find yourself in a wonderful season that you wish would never end, or in a season of pain, disappointment, or discouragement that seems to be lasting way too long…there is hope in Jesus!
Jesus promises to be with us no matter what we go through in life. Life is never all fun and pleasure. Often there are sad times, hard times, difficult circumstances to live through, but please know that Jesus will guide and direct you through them all!
Hebrews 13:5 says that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us, and that is good news!