What’s it like to be a single mom? It’s hard. Its grueling. But it’s rewarding.
God is there for you.
I was a single mom for 15 years, raising three children ages 8, 6 and 5, when their dad went home to be with the Lord. Oh, it was challenging for sure!!
When I first was told that he was gone I just thought, Lord, what am I going to do without him; how are we going to survive? I told my children, “Daddy went to be with Jesus today.” And we cried.
But we remembered him; we remembered all the wonderful things about him. And I tried to keep him alive in their hearts by bringing him up in conversation, by abiding by rules that he had set for them – like always wearing shoes when they rode their bikes.
I made collages for them, pictures of them with their daddy so that as they grew up they would never forget him, they would always remember that he was there, that he loved them, that he was a good dad, but that he was with Jesus. That made all the difference, knowing he was with Jesus.
Maybe you’re a single mom. Maybe things are really hard for you. Maybe your husband died. Maybe your husband left you and you’ve been divorced. It doesn’t much matter how you became a single mom, whether daddy is around or not, whether or not he’s still involved with the children. The day-to-day life is still difficult because it’s just you and those children, BUT God is with you and he will never leave you or forsake you!!
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:8
God gets all the glory for who I am today, for what He’s brought me through, and for who my children are. I once said to a friend that I certainly didn’t do everything right when raising my children, and she said to me, “well, do they love Jesus?” and I said, yes they do, and she said to me, “well then you did everything right!” That really encouraged me!
I’d like to say that to you, young single mom who’s raising children by yourself. You are not alone; you are not by yourself in this day-to-day sometimes grueling life, because if you know Jesus He is with you and He will surely never leave you or forsake you. He will get you through and one day you will look back and say, Wow God! We did it! Make sure you give Him the glory for it all because He is surely worthy!
You don’t know Jesus in that way? Well today is the day to change that!! My sweet Internet friend, you too can know Him and He will change your life and He will be with you from this day forward.
Romans 10:9 ~ “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Just say these words with me (as long as they are coming from your heart-they cannot be just empty words but must really speak from your longing heart to Him):
Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and that I have messed up many things in my life. I recognize that I am lost without YOU. I want my life to change. I repent of all my wrongdoings, my sin and my shame. I give it all to You, and I accept what you did for me on the cross. Come into my heart Lord Jesus, change me, make me more like You! I love you Jesus and I commit to walk with you and obey Your commands in Your word from this day forward. Thank you Jesus! Amen
Love this Janan. Such encouraging words!!
Thank you Sarah!!