What’s It Like Being a Single Mom?

What’s it like to be a single mom?  It’s hard.  Its grueling.  But it’s rewarding.

God is there for you. 

I was a single mom for 15 years, raising three children ages 8, 6 and 5, when their dad went home to be with the Lord.  Oh, it was challenging for sure!!

When I first was told that he was gone I just thought, Lord, what am I going to do without him; how are we going to survive?  I told my children, “Daddy went to be with Jesus today.”  And we cried.

But we remembered him; we remembered all the wonderful things about him.  And I tried to keep him alive in their hearts by bringing him up in conversation, by abiding by rules that he had set for them – like always wearing shoes when they rode their bikes. 

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Name Your Ebenezer

What is an Ebenezer you might say?  In Samuel’s day Ebenezer meant, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”  After their victory at Mizpah, Samuel erected a stone of remembrance and named it Ebenezer to serve as a constant reminder to the Israelites of God’s faithfulness.

Friends, let’s make sure we have our own Ebenezer to remind us of the times we saw God’s faithfulness in our lives.  Maybe it was a time of protection, maybe a time of provision, maybe a time of comfort and strength.

Whatever it is to you, erect your own Ebenezer that will always remind you in your dark and difficult times that God is there, He is for you, and He is with you.  God is your help!

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. ~ Hebrews 4:6

He Knows My Name

What’s in a name? The Bible says that God knows our name. Do you find that comforting? I sure do!

When I was growing up with an unusual name, I found that people had trouble spelling it and pronouncing it. I used to dread the first day of school, wondering just how this new teacher would butcher the pronunciation of my name.

One time in particular really stands out to me. It was 6th grade. I already had a complex about my name because almost everyone got it wrong, and this teacher was no different. He kept calling me Janine. I have a cousin named Janine and have no problem with her having that name, but don’t call me Janine! That’s not my name!!

As a young girl, I got so tired of being called Janine, among other things. It was so very rare that anyone would say Janan the correct way. Juh-Nan. I absolutely despised being called Jan too!  Mostly I was called Jan-in (like the a in ran) and sometimes Jan-Ann.  Also NOT my name!!

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You Just Made My Day!

I stopped into Wawa this morning to get a latte’ and when checking out I told the lady behind the counter that I always enjoy seeing her smiling face, to which she responded, “Oh, thank you! You just made my day!”

Wow Lord, thanks! That in turn made my day!

Go out there my friends and make someone’s day. All it takes is a kind word.

Show the love of Jesus to someone you rub shoulders with today. It will make your day too!

Believe it…You are Loved

The boys snickered as I sat there in class with my dress falling over my knees. Why, Mom, why do you make me dress like this when everyone else wears their dresses shorter than mine? Why must I be the subject of ridicule by all the boys in my class?

Shyness developed in me at a very young age. Rejection and pain were covered up by solitude, retreating into myself, and pulling away.  Shame called my name!

Then in high school, I would roll up the waistband of my dress until the hem would be just to my fingertips when I put down my arm, and off I’d go into my day.  I was not going to be ridiculed about the length of my dress any more!!  Have you ever done anything like that when you were growing up?  I’m sure I’m not the only one!

But God!!!

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What a deal!! You can’t beat it!

These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules. ~ Matthew 15:8-9 (NIV)

Religion versus Relationship.  What’s the difference?  Well, there is something called “head knowledge” where a person knows who God is, who Jesus is, and maybe knows there is a  Holy Spirit in the Godhead.  They may even attend church, possibly teach Sunday School or are involved in some other way in the church, but their worship in God’s eyes is considered vain.  Why?  Because they have Religion not a Relationship.

  • Religion says, “I believe in God; look what I’ve done for Him.  Look what a good person I am to do things in His name.”
  • Relationship says, “I believe in God.  Look what He has done for me.  All my works are as filthy rags compared to His glory.  Praise His name that He loves me unconditionally and has welcomed me into His kingdom through faith in Jesus!”
  • Religion says, God is untouchable, unreachable, the “big man” in the sky.
  • Relationship says, My God loves me and wants to have a relationship with me.  He has provided salvation to me through His Son, Jesus.  He welcomes me with open arms.  He leads me.  He has put the righteousness of Jesus upon me and remembers my sins no more!

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Wholeheartedly Worship Him

I heard this word the other day …. and it struck a chord with me.


  • Jesus wants us to seek Him wholeheartedly.
  • Seek Him with all of who we are.
  • Seek Him for all of who He is!

The Word of God says in Psalm 119:2, “Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. ~ Isaiah 55:6

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. ~ Hebrews 11:6

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